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Boosting talent attraction and retention in times of uncertainty

June 2, 2023

Boosting talent attraction and retention in times of uncertainty With the UK pay growth slowdown and stubbornly high inflation resulting in a prolonged cost of living crisis, companies find it incredibly tough to attract and hold on to the best talent. According to recent reports, people are voluntarily quitting jobs faster than businesses can replace them. However, as 2023 unfolds, remember that new challenges also create new opportunities.…

5 Ways to Wellbeing

June 1, 2023

5 Steps to Wellbeing Connect Connecting with others can help us feel close to people, and valued for who we are. Being social means different things for different people – you might prefer being in quieter situations with one other person, or you might like being big groups. You might like to connect with people online, or you might enjoy phone calls or sending letters.  if you feel…

What is the real cost of a bad hire?

May 31, 2023

Understanding the Lemons problem A bad hire could cost you a staggering 30% to 170% of the annual salary of each vacant position, apart from loss of productivity and wasted time in training. In addition, time spent on hiring e.g. the process of finding candidates, interviewing them, and onboarding them could easily take longer than a few months. Such a timeframe takes into account gathering a sufficient ad-response,…